All of these photos are from around 1925-1926. We think it's more likely 1925 due to who our relative was traveling with and the dates of like photos.
Arlington Cemetery
Bar Harbor, Maine
Bar Harbor, Maine
Battle Ships Bar Harbor, Maine
Bridge from U.S.A. to Canada at Niagara Falls
Labeled "Club house dock, cranberry isles, from which we fished"- We believe it's the cranberry clubs old dock
Erie Canal
tomb of unknown soldier
Hudson River
Lincoln Memorial
Lincoln Memorial taken from Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial taken from Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
The photo above and the two below are the McKinley Memorial
Mount Vernon
Niagara Falls
Labeled "Rail Fence around field" (in with N.Y. photos)
Summer Hotel at Bethlehem, N.Y.- B word is difficult to read, but we are fairly positive it's Bethlehem.
Washington Monument taken from Lincoln Memorial
Washington Monument
Washington Tomb
White House