Unknown relatives from Denmark, Germany, Prussia, or Ireland. Surnames: Nelson (Nielsen or Nielson), McGowan (or MacGowan), Decker, Fenske, Norgaard, Zupp

This page is dedicated to photos of our relatives from Denmark or other places (mainly Denmark). These photos came from my grandmother, Mary Zupp. I recall looking at these photos as a child and being fascinated with them. At that time, my grandmother still knew who some of these people were, I asked her this week (2016) and she does not remember anyone now. Therefore, I am going off what I remember her telling me when I was around 11 years old, which is very little. Oh how I wish we would have written them down back in the day...
The research I have done so far indicates our relatives are mainly from Prussia, Germany, and Denmark. Some of the surnames are: Fenske, McGowan (sometimes spelled MacGowan), Decker, Norgaard, and Zupp  (pronounced Zoop). I feel the majority of these photos are from the Norgaard side and hope that as I research more, the memories will come back to me or I'll uncover more. The Norgaard's surname was not that in Denmark from what I understand per verbal history (and what I've found out as of 1/30/16). Emil Norgaard changed his last name from Nelson (or Nielsen depending on what document you're looking at) when he arrived in America. His brother, Alfred, also came to the USA from Denmark but kept his last name.  My grandmother says the brothers came to America at the same time- "that's what they told people". However, immigration records of Emil's contradict their story. Emil's ship record states he's going to his brother Alfred's farm in Albert Lea, Minnesota, indicating Alfred was already here and established before Emil arrived in 1907.
Since writing this post initially, I have found some more information about their family. Not much, but I'll take what I can get :)

To read more details on what we've found out about the brother's, go here:

Update 5/17/2020: These photos have been uploaded to Internet Archive for easier downloading.

With this all being said, here are the photos:

A)  This lady was labeled Alfred's Old Country Girl. This card is light weight. We are fairly certain this is regarding Alfred Nelson from Denmark.

B) This gentleman is unknown at this time. Other than what is noted above regarding surnames. Nielsen? Very likely. This card is heavy weight.

C) Anyone know what this says? We're assuming it's Danish but not sure. It is on the back of the photos with the two ladies in photo booth style photos to the left. This photo was in the pile from Minnesota and Denmark.

UPDATE: Thank you to anonymous person who responded to this- it is greatly appreciated! Their response is: 
It says in danish: Du kan vel nok se hvem jeg er. Det er mig med den hvide hat.
translated: You can probably see who I am. I'm the one with the white hat.

D) The lady standing alone to the right is labeled Miss Gena Legaard, first name possibly spelled Gina.Written in pencil. Likely from Minnesota or Denmark (was in the pile of photos from those two places).

E) I recall my grandmother telling me this was someone's uncle on the Norgaard side (fairly certain she said my grandpa's uncle, meaning it is Alfred Nelson). 

F) This card has No. 56 Nielsen on the back, along with some other writing we are not sure of- 11 Ball 3 Comp ?  We think this is family of Emil Norgaard. Emil changed his last name from Nielson (Nielsen) to Norgaard when he came to the USA. Emil's brother's name is Alfred Nielson (Nielsen).
The card is light weight.

G) Unknown lady. This card is heavy weight.

H) This lovely lady is unknown. She is wearing a ring. Perhaps a Nielsen from Denmark. Card is light weight.

I) This young lady is also unknown. Perhaps a Nielsen from Denmark. This card is heavy weight.

 J) This lady is also unknown. The card is unlike the others on the back- nothing other than the numbers 4365 is written on it. Perhaps another Nielsen from Denmark (going with a theme here).

K) These two are sisters. Of all the photos from Denmark, this fact I am most certain of. Unfortunately, that is all I recall my grandmother telling me about these two photos. Note the same chair in each photo. Both are wearing rings. Both cards are light weight. Probably Nielsen's from Denmark.

L) This lady leaning on the chair/post is another from the pile of unknown Denmark relatives- Probably Nielsen's or Norgaard.

M) This mustache man is another from the pile of unknown Denmark relatives- Probably Nielsen's or Norgaard.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Came by this webpage by coincidence. I live in the area south of Hjørring called Vrejlev. But are not related in any way.

    but regarding C)
    It says in danish: Du kan vel nok se hvem jeg er. Det er mig med den hvide hat.
    translated: You can probably see who I am. I'm the one with the white hat.
