Monday, August 29, 2016

Vintage photos from U.S.A., circa 1925

All of these photos are from around 1925-1926. We think it's more likely 1925 due to who our relative was traveling with and the dates of like photos.

Arlington Cemetery

Bar Harbor, Maine

Bar Harbor, Maine

Battle Ships Bar Harbor, Maine

Bridge from U.S.A. to Canada at Niagara Falls

Labeled "Club house dock, cranberry isles, from which we fished"- We believe it's the cranberry clubs old dock

Erie Canal

tomb of unknown soldier

The one above and the two below are the Harding Memorial before the current was built (now Marion Cemetery Receiving Vault)

Hudson River

Lincoln Memorial 

Lincoln Memorial taken from Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial taken from Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial

The photo above and the two below are the McKinley Memorial 

Mount Vernon

Niagara Falls
Labeled "Rail Fence around field" (in with N.Y. photos)
Summer Hotel at Bethlehem, N.Y.- B word is difficult to read, but we are fairly positive it's Bethlehem.
Washington Monument taken from Lincoln Memorial

Washington Monument

Washington Tomb

White House

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Nordahl Nelson, Blue Earth, Minnesota

This photo was labeled:

"Here is another man who proves to be a champion corn husker Nordahl Nelson of Blue-Earth husked 3284 bushels of corn in 33 days, making an average of 99 bushels per day. This is a load of 54 bushels."

We estimate the photo to be around 1922 or so based on the photos it was next to.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Post #2

We decided to add another page for the parade/celebration photos- or whatever kind of school festivities are happening in these photos. Most of the photos appear to be from 1922 based on one of the float photos (more to come)- see other post for possible years. If you see someone you know, please let us know.

For link to other Iowa College post: Click here

*Updated 8/21/2016


The kangaroo and the newspaper article go together. Found a couple additional kangaroo photos further in the book (those are below the article).


 Farm Crop & Soils Float 1926
 Ship of Farm Prosperity Float 1926

 Labeled "Homecoming decorations"

Labeled "Band Annual (word faded, possibly starts with an A)"
 Labeled "Nelson Home where Laura Lee worked, Iowa"
 Operating Room for vet med

Homecoming decorations

This photo looks like it was cut out of multiples and places together

This is where a lot of the photos after 1923 were developed. Canedy's Camera Shop, Sioux Falls, S. D.

 Veishea Float, Vet. med 1926